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Hi! I'm Lindsay, owner and founder of Sun Empress Social Media. I'm just a girl from a small town in Texas that moved to California and found her dream.

Growing up, I knew I loved animals and creating art. As I became an adult and started venturing into the workforce, I found my first love in working with animals. The longer I was in the industry, the more I found myself gravitating toward marketing and creating a digital presence for the companies I worked for.

At the beginning of 2022, I decided to venture fully into the social media industry with the many skills I acquired while managing the social media accounts for different animal care facilities over the years.

Outside work, I carry my passion for animals as I care for my pets- my two dorky Dobermans, an observant bearded dragon, and an aquarium of lovely fish. I married my college sweetheart in the Fall of 2021 and we are enjoying the beauty of the California wilderness.



Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging


Being an intuitive introvert has been a superpower of mine my whole life. I like to think I can get a good read on someone and their personality due to my ability to listen and read between the lines. I'm a highly emotional person, not in the sense that I'm volatile, but that I'm present in my body and feel my emotions as they come. 


Pisces Sun
Virgo Moon
Libra Rising


In case you needed any more clarification on how in touch with my emotions I am! Luckily I can rely on my Virgo Moon to keep me grounded during elevated moments. My Libra Rising helps me to put on a more assertive and business-like face, but once people get past that phase with me, I'm an open book, and love forming deep connections with people.


Manifesting Generator




Manifesting generators are passionate people who dedicate themselves to a craft or practice. I would say I very much so am dedicated to creative expression, and one of my favorite modes for expression is graphic design and social media. I love being able to create while connecting with people at the same time.




Caregivers do as the name suggest- we are always looking for ways to support and provide for the people we care about. A strong attribute of caregivers is our empathy; I personally hate to see people sad, lost, and alone. To bring joy and love is something that gives me great pride; it's job well done when my clients are smiling and worry-free!

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